The Government of Pakistan and Pakistan Air Force announces the latest Jobs Opportunities for Eligible and Interested Candidates of Pakistan. Now You can join Pakistan Air Force as a Civilian. This is a great opportunity for those Candidates Who want to Pakistan Air Force. [Govt Jobs in Punjab Healthcare Commission 2021-Apply Now]
Jobs in Pakistan Air Force (Join PAF as Civilian):
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) invites Applications from the Eligible Candidates for the following Vacancies/ Jobs in Pakistan. Both Male and Female Candidates can apply for these Jobs in PAF.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Graduate
- Preference will be given to Computer Experts.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-28 Years.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- 3 Years Diploma in Mechanical/Chemical/Automobile Engineering from any recognized Government Institute.
- Minimum 10 Years of Experience.
- The Maximum Age Limit for this Job is 25-35 Years.
Laboratory Foreman(BPS-15):
Eligibility Criteria:
- BS Physics or Chemistry
- 02 Years Experience in Laboratory.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 20-30 Years.
Assistant Foreman(BPS-14):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- 3 Years Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/Mechatronics/Carpenter Engineering from any recognized Government Institute.
- Minimum 07 Years of Experience.
- The Maximum Age Limit for this Job is 25-35 Years.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intermediate
- Typing Speed of 40 Words per Minute on Computer and 80 Words per Minute on shorthand.
- The Candidate should be an expert in working on Computer.
- The Maximum Age limit for these Jobs in Pakistan Air Force is 18-25 Years.
Upper Division Clerck(BPS-11):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intermediate or Equivalent.
- Typing Speed of 20 Words per Minute.
- The Candidate should be an expert in working on Computer.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Charge Hand (BPS-11)(:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- 03 Years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/Wood Technology/Fiber Technology from any Government recognized Institute.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Laboratory Man(BPS-09):
Eligibility Criteria:
- BSc Physics or Chemistry
- Preference will be given to the Experience holders in Laboratory.
- The Maximum Age limit for these Jobs in Pakistan Air Force is 18-25 Years.
Assistant Store Keeper:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intermediate
- Preference will be given to experienced persons.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Lower Division Clerck(BPS-09):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- Typing Speed of 30 Words per Minute.
- Computer Expert will be preferred.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Medical Assistant(BPS-09):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- Diploma in Male Nursing or Paramedical Staff.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric with Library Science Certificate.
- The Maximum Age limit for these Jobs in Pakistan is 18-25 Years.
Anti-Malaria Supervisor(BPS-07):
Eligibility Criteria:
- FSc Medical
- Strong Body Health.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Physical Training Instructor(BPS-07):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Intermediate
- Diploma in Physical Education
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Male Nurse(BPS-07):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- Nursing Certificate from Nursing department.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- Experience in Field
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Technician (BPS-04):
Eligibility Criteria:
- Matric
- Experience in relevant field.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Literate to English and Native Language
- HTV License with 02 Years Experience.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Expert in Cooking Food.
- The Maximum Age limit for this Job is 18-25 Years.
How to Apply:
- You can apply for these Jobs in Pakistan Air Force Online by Clicking the Link Below.
APPLY ONLINE NOW - You can Also Apply by Visiting Your Nearest Selection Center in your city.
- 05 Years Age relaxation will be given for every Job Vacancy as per Government of Pakistan Rules.
Last Date:
The Last Date to Applying for these Jobs in Pakistan Air Force is 10 October 2021.
For More Details About Pakistan Air Force CLICK HERE to visit their Official Website.
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